Energy Management Demo
This demo requires the unity web player plugin, which should download and install automatically if your browser security settings allow. If you are prompted to download, you may need to run the web player installer manually.
Basic Mode: By default the demo will start playing automatically, and shows a sample energy management dashboard. The dashboard is surrounded with static dashboard charts (mock-ups) and KPI dials, but contains a live demo of energy intensity by zones in the building. To see the live energy intensities, move your mouse over the building.Tthe building will become transparent and the various zones in the building will appear. As you move your mouse around th building, different zones will be hilighted and information about the zone, its tenancy, and its current energy internsity are shown.
Advanced Mode: In the building view, you can right-click in the viewing area to capture/release your mouse. Once your mouse is captured, it controls the view-port, allowing you to orbit around the building, and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Click again, and your mouse is released, so you can operate the Display control panel again. On releasing the mouse, you are given a right-click menu which allows you to view in full-screen ([Esc] to exit).
The buttons along the top of the screen are different camera views within the application. By clicking on each of these buttons you will be taken to that part of the model.
Equipment: Shows an overall view of the Equipment Room situated underneath the hospital.
FPC: Allows you access to the First Person Controller located within the basement room. To navigate the FPC, use the the arrow buttons or keys [w - forward, a - left, d - right, s - backwards] to move around the room. Again, you can right-click in the viewing area to capture/release your mouse and control the camera angle.
Electrical: Takes you to the elcrical room containing the switch cabinet. You can position you mouse over the switches showing red lights to view their graphical output.
The rest of the views show you specific items within the Equipment Room.
After a time-out period with no interaction, the demo will switch to auto-play. To turn off auto-play click any of the views along the top of the screen.
If you get stuck, you can always restart by releasing your mouse, [Esc] to exit full-screen, and use your browser "Refresh" function to reload the page.